Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The sun shone in

The beams'd hit the hardwood floor

The dust danced upwards as 

the curtains would sway.

My hips in your hands

My breath on your cheek

The year wasted away;

A whirlpool twirled down the drain

like a bad batch of milk

on a summer day.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I rub my eyes
and they're red.
They sting in the mornings when 
I wake.

The sun comes up
and she holds me for a while
and then she drops
and I forget what it was like
to have her 'round.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

it's not the same,
it never will be.
driving around this town,
there's nowhere left to go.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Like the chord of c
Like the midnight breeze

We danced
and you sang a silly song
in a voice, you'd only ever gave to me.


Friday, March 27, 2020

I remember
the sounds in your chest.
I remember
the sounds from your stomach.

I'd lay
resting my head on you somehow.
You'd laugh, (or exhale, I was never sure)
I never knew if it was something funny
you were reading
or just the sound of a sigh.

I'd think about each breath in and each breath out
and each beat
that you heart'd stretch for.


Saturday, March 21, 2020

For the hundredth time,
I waited outside.
I sat underneath the dangling chestnut tree.

I wore a dress so white,
it told the sun to make my skin glow.
The air smelled sweet.

The sounds of the town
(muted from the moisture in the air),
went on droning in the distance
like a thick summer syrup
slowly from the sky.

And just in time,
before the heavy rains fell,
we rode our bicycles
through the tall green grasses.

They swished
as we wheeled along,
putting on a little dance
for the next passerby.


Friday, February 7, 2020

I can hear the horns
way out in the distance.

With the wind,
they whistle.

They sing to me
a warning,

like a loud, dancing, dream.

They, the intuition beaming
from the shore.

I'm lost at sea
and they're calling for me.

Hum hum tee hum hum

tee he.


Saturday, January 25, 2020

It's nearing spring
not quite,
but close.

The old vinyl plays,
it spins like the stories in my head;
Like the memories fading in and out


and again.

A slight distortion from the specks
of dust,

from time.

I dream of you,
I've always dreamt of you
before I even knew you
I dreamt of you.


Monday, January 6, 2020

There was once a weight
to my step, in my soul
a grounding; my ankles to the soil. 

It's gone now,
as I float. 
Like a puppet, swimming.

Wondering where, 
to whom, I'll hold onto

The way the wind
catches the trees, the way it
lingers over a sturdy branch
too long, 
uprooting its tendons
from the earth.

And for what?

Alas, another fleeting 
moment of warmth.
Watch it, 
slowly chilling, 
like my breath in the winter


Sunday, December 22, 2019

I walked in love with every step of
of each hour, I knew you.

And when you left,
I walked around, with love, to each
of your belongings
and asked them to hold you
as close, as delicately,
as I did for all those years.

How great a gift
to feel at all.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Fear, we felt,
as the days drifted
through the rapids
spinning down, down, down...

Led to the sea, eventually
Where the salmon not yet bloody
Where the mist impresses
Where the sound of the whale
the same as a tick-tock of the clock.
Where the soul takes its first breath
And where the light of our eyes dim finitely.

For a moment,
Our freedom reveled in it's own


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Swimming from one side
to the other

A ballad played softly,
from the house next door

The pool,
cold, but
warm enough to drown in,
was filled high from the summer

My fingertips ran against the floor,
while bottle-caps rusted

The bugs made of lightning
danced in the rays of a worn
out sun,
and like I,
seemed ready to nap


Friday, November 7, 2014

Swollen from the night
and stiff from the drive
I roam wildly.
drafting a story so worthy,
so epic and true.
A story so wholly mine.


Friday, October 31, 2014

Magnificently manufactured,
the salt and the sea.
Soil so sweet,
the rhododendrons gone creep.
And through all tiny cracks that be linin' the street
a small parade of color,
a small act of fleet.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

"As of Late or, The Hypothetical Hypothesis of Love"

I watch your
knobby knees
from the glassy green grass
From the morning dew,


I'd just prefer that
I lay here
upside down with you.
Maybe glance once or twice
at the floor,
while the world
bubbles, boils,
buries itself;
while the ashes pour,
my dear.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dissolution or An Ode to the New Times

Rumbling of robotics,
No whistle in the air.

Rigid and cold,
like the last snow.

Green eyed,
Running through the
Quiet quiet streets,
As fast as we can.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A gown
in the corner
bunched up
on top
the tiled floor,
and its glorious rise
when light
seeped out
from every fold;
the faintest musk
from a morning
long, long


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Way out,
past the pier
past the sphere
and the big black tears that
stream down

is a 
don't I/do I;
dare say it...

hollowed out hole,
dug deep
in through and past 
the roots of the unknown
for me and for you. 


Monday, February 24, 2014

And as
they broke every bone;

a few (just a 
flashing before
his eyes)

none but

a few

pale moments;

left to their respective


Monday, December 30, 2013

But with a toast
to the two,
comes a tightening
of heart;
a silent curve of the lip,
and one
eye on the
